At this time housing applications are not available. Please check back soon.
We believe that EVERY person deserves a safe, decent, and affordable place to live.
Who is eligible?
Applicants must meet our three principal criteria listed below:
the need for housing
Applicants must not already own a home and currently have a housing need such as:
- Your rent is not affordable (a.k.a. - You're currently paying more than 30% of your income toward housing.)
- You are living in poorly made, unhealthy, or inadequate housing.
- Living in housing that is over crowded or inaccessible for your disabilities.

the ability to pay
Applicants must have:
- Total household income within HUD income guidelines according to family size.
- Two years history of steady income
- Credit without liens, judgments, foreclosures or recent bankruptcies.
- Ability to qualify for an affordable mortgage with a licensed lending institution.

the willingness to partner
Applicants must demonstrate the willingness to complete all 300 hours of "Sweat Equity" and partnership requirements before being able to purchase the house once finished, including:
- Contributing 210 hours helping to build their future home, and homes for others in the program.
- Completing Financial preparation & education; First Time Home Buyer Counseling; and Home Maintenance Training.
- Paying It Forward by giving 42 hours of Volunteering & Community Service.
does this sound familiar?
Are you paying too much for rent?
Are you tired of dealing with unreliable landlords?
Do you want to purchase your own simple, decent, affordable home?
Do you qualify for a mortgage, but not enough that meets your family's needs?